For tech-friendly teachers and coaches...

...who want quick ideas to save time and use digital tools with intention.

A bundle of ready-to-use resources:

👉 10 Ways for Coaches to Support Teachers

👉 20 Ready-to-Print & Post Potty PD Posters

👉 30 Ways to Use Videos with Students

👉 40 EdTech Resources Cheat Sheet

👉 50 Prompts to Kick off Your Next Video Call

10 Ways for Coaches to Support Teachers

In this ebook, you'll find ten ways coaches can support teachers with education technology.

Who is this for? Anyone who gives advice, helps out, or coaches their colleagues in an informal or formal role.

Connection to remote learning & home learning: These strategies can be tailored to virtual learning environments! #4 will save you lots of time and #8 connects to current shifts in the way we plan.

20 Ready-to-Print & Post Potty PD Posters

In this poster pack, you'll find twenty posters you can print and hang in common spaces for quick professional learning tips for your colleagues.

Who is this for? Anyone who wants to share quick and simple ideas with their colleagues to get them excited about EdTech.

Connection to remote learning & home learning: These posters can be hung up in common spaces in your school, or you can share an idea each month (or week) with your colleagues in an email newsletter.

30 Ways to Use Videos with Students

In this guide, you'll find thirty ideas to use videos with students for activities that encourage both creation and consumption,

Who is this for? Anyone who wants more ideas for using video with students to increase engagement, foster connections, and provide opportunities for creation.

Connection to remote learning & home learning: These ideas can be used when you are looking to share video content with students learning at home and for project ideas you might want to share.

40 EdTech Resources Cheat Sheet

In this tip sheet, you'll find an overview of forty different EdTech tools including learning management systems, creation tools, video platforms, and more.

Who is this for? Anyone who is interested in EdTech and looking for new tools for teaching and learning.

Connection to remote learning & home learning: These EdTech tools work in a variety of learning environments, including remote learning and home learning.

50 Prompts to Kick off Your Next Video Call

In this list, you'll find fifty ideas for discussion prompts you can use to kick off your next video call or for a digital do now.

Who is this for? Anyone who wants more ideas for building community in their classroom on a video call or give students an opportunity to share in any digital space.

Connection to remote learning & home learning: These ideas can be used when you are hosting live sessions, remote sessions like Zoom video calls, or when using tools for asynchronous discussions like Flipgrid.

Hi there!

My name is Monica Burns, I’m a former classroom teacher and now I spend my time sharing tips, strategies and activity ideas to make EdTech integration easier in your classroom.

You may be familiar with my books, like Tasks Before Apps or my blog

Whether we’ve met at a conference or special event, you’ve followed along with my EdTech tips for years, or simply joining in for the first time today, I’m so glad you’re here!

I created this bundle for you -- to give you resources and quick ideas you can try out right away.

Since I started creating resources for educators, one thing has always stayed the same:

  • My commitment to helping make EdTech easier!

400+ educators have their hands on this bundle of resources

Use the green button below to grab it, too!